
The Places Available are now full.  There may be an opportunity to offer pilot late summer.


Are you interested in getting your walking checked?

You might ask, why would I want to do that?

Did you know that, in the UK for people aged 55-75 around 30% of years lived with disabilities are due to musculoskeletal (MSK) issues.

Approximately 1.71 billion people have musculoskeletal conditions worldwide, and these conditions are the leading contributor to disability worldwide, with low back pain being the single leading cause of disability in 160 countries.

Musculoskeletal conditions significantly limit mobility and dexterity, leading to early retirement from work, lower levels of well-being and reduced ability to participate in society.

GaitSmart is innovative technology that provides an objective measure of gait/walking ability in a patient friendly report. It is a quick and easy test, where sensors are attached to a patients legs and a short walking test is undertaken. A report is produced showing any identified weaknesses or imbalances and a personalised plan of approximately six exercises most relevant to the deficits are recommended.  The test is repeated every 4 weeks, where hopefully any improvement are seen.

West Street Surgery are delighted to announce that they will be taking part in the GaitSmart Pilot.

We are initially looking for 24 patients who feel that they would benefit from the walking analysis, happy to commit to a 12 week programme which includes 4 scheduled test (Tuesday afternoons).

Inclusion criteria

  • Any adult 18+ who feels like their walking is not as effortless as it used to be
  • Ability to walk (with or without a walking aid) 10 metres turn and walk back
  • Capacity to consent and to participate in the GaitSmart intervention Programme
  • Able to commit to the 12 week programme of tests and home exercise plan.

Exclusion Criteria

  • Have a catheter or other fitted external device that GaitSmart straps applied to waist, hips, knees and ankles may interfere with.
  • Patient cannot be pregnant.

West Street Surgery will be running 4 groups.  Please email or call the Practice to speak to Emma if you are interested.

Group First Test Second Test Third Test Final Test
A 12th March 9th April 7th May 4th June
B 19th March 16th April 14th May 11th June
C 26th March 23rd April 21st May 18th June
D 2nd April 30th April 28th May 25th June